I was delighted to be offered a position in the Bellvue Mentorz programme last September. I first encountered Bellvue when I played Mrs. Wormwood in ‘Pure Imagination’ and have loved working with Lisa and the team ever since! I have mentored the Starz, Dance and Bratz classes which has been the perfect opportunity to experience firsthand the career I hope to obtain when I am older. It’s such a privilege to be a part of the Bellvue team, seeing how hard working and dedicated everyone is and of course, seeing the joy and fun the students have at their classes. It has been a pleasure watching the kids grow and improve each week since the start of the term. I am very grateful to have had this opportunity!
~Kirsty Keating
My name is Caoimhe and I am one of the Mentorz in the new Mentorz program! I was asked to join at the start of this year. I love coming to my classes on Saturdays. It’s literally the highlight of my week. I love watching the progress and talent in every single child! It’s amazing to see how far they have all come since the start of the year. I really enjoy working with everyone in Bellvue because everyone it’s so inclusive. I am so excited to see what the future of the Mentorz program will bring!
~Caoimhe Woods

I have been a Mentor to the Bratz red group for 2 terms and to say that it is extremely rewarding would be an understatement. Every week I get to witness my group progress and improve while putting their heart and soul into everything they do. I love being a Mentor as it feels like we’re all a big family. I never thought I’d be chosen to do something like being a Mentor but I’m so honoured to have been chosen. Being a Mentor has made me more passionate about the performing arts. I can’t wait to see my group along with all their friends put on a fantastic show!
~Aimee Shine
Being a Mentor at Bellvue has been such an amazing experience. I’ve learned so much about the efforts put into running such a wonderful place. Working with kids in the performing arts has always been something I’ve wanted to do and I’m so grateful to have been given the opportunity to do that.
~David O’Donovan

To me Mentorz is getting an opportunity to learn and grow as an aspiring actor. It morphs together my 2 interests of teaching and drama into one incredible experience. It is a truly unique and brilliant scheme.
~Michael Coady
I have been a Mentor in Bellvue for just over a month now and it has been an amazing experience. Being the youngest of the group I was a bit nervous to start out with as all of the other mentors had been doing it a bit longer than me but I had nothing to be worried about. They were all very welcoming and I soon settled in. I am I Mentor for the Bratz group and I love seeing them get better and better every week. Overall being a Mentor has been a great experience and I can’t wait to continue
~Katy Judge
I was honoured to have the opportunity to take part in the Mentorz programme in Bellvue Academy this year. I loved working with each and every one of the children because it reminded me of how excited I was when I was younger to learn songs and dances and go on stage. The programme has given me skills and experience that is invaluable to me and I cannot wait to see what the future brings for the Mentorz programme
~Ellen Foley